Monday, October 19, 2009

Is technology the answer?

In response to Ben's comment on my post below:

I guess the whole point about an issue such as climate change is that there is no single solution to the problem, and that a range of different approaches are needed.

Technology will no doubt play it's part, but relying on it to do so as the only or the major agent of change is too risky, encourages a 'business as usual' mindset, and creates the false impression that it is ok for us to continue living such a resource intensive lifestyle.

Social changes are also necessary to tackle climate change, and this is where the idea of engaging 'community' groups as another tool in the box of behavioural change methodologies comes in - appealing to an individuals conscience doesn't work beyond a committed minority, so before we go down the path of forcing people via taxation or carbon allowances - or indeed waiting for a technological fix such as CCS or a new generation of nuclear reactors to be built (neither of which I think are the answer either, by the way...) encouraging voluntary change seems a worthwhile pursuit.

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